Bristol Experimental Expanded Film (BEEF) is a film and sound collective supporting experimental practice in Bristol since 2015.

BEEF provides an independent platform and much needed resource for artists’ production, distribution and critical engagement, predominantly focusing on experimental and analogue practices. BEEF members collaborate and work together to organise a regular programme of events, screenings, performances, exhibitions, residencies, and film & sound workshops.

Current Address: 


BEEF are currently based at:

Jamaica Street Studios
37 – 39 Jamaica Street

2019-2020 – BEEF was in residence at Pennywell Studios, Pennywell Road, Old Market, Bristol, BS5

2017-2019 – BEEF was in residence at the Brunswick Club – a former working mens club in the heart of Bristol.

2015-2017 – BEEF was in residence at Portland Square.


Most of our events and workshops have advance tickets available via Headfirst – see event listings via the programme tab for details. Cash only on the door.

BEEF aims to be affordable for all audiences and as such we keep our ticket prices low. Concessions are always available for students – please bring proof along with you.





Join the mailing list  to receive our newsletter, and find out about our upcoming programme and what BEEF members have been up to!


“BEEF fills a critical hole in Bristol that is accessible by anyone” audience member

“BEEF is an extraordinary group of artists, the organisation provides a level of engagement and critical context which is not provided by anything else in Bristol and is hard to find even in London” audience member